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The Foundation shall particularly seek to:

  1. Work with all level’s  of government and communities to empower youth/women.

  2. Work towards impacting in young one’s leadership skills.

  3.  Provide data base of level of non – discourse, resistance and denial of issues of unemployment in Nigeria.

  4. Sensitize communities, schools, churches, mosque and policy makers at all level’s to knowing their right.

  5. Sensitize communities and policy makers at all levels to sexual abuse.

  6. Sensitize communities, schools, churches, mosque and policy makers at all level’s to gender right.

  7. Sensitize communities, schools, churches, mosque and policy makers at all level’s to health issues.

  8. Provide linkages to make legal services accessible and affordable to individuals and groups.

  9. Support communities, school e.t.c in the way the foundation can.

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